Retro Garden

Welcome. On this life simulator you will see retros on their natural habitat.
Click on any of the entries on the list to automatically scroll to them, but you can alternatively deselect and scroll manually (Left and Right arrow keys, or A and D).

There is a new retro around every 25-30 seconds, and there is a chance for one to be distinct from the regular one. You can also play around with them using the sweet scent of a freshly cooked spaghetti or make them soaking wet. Your choice.

If you'd like to keep the retros on your current session, make sure to save occasionally, or enable autosaving just to be safe.

(This software is not affiliated with Nintendo and is in no way meant to be sold anywhere. Super Mario belongs to Nintendo. Support Nintendo by buying any of their officially provided products - this is just a fan product, and it was made just for self-amusement.)

made by 52crabs, 2024


  • Nintendo (original game)
  • Andres1812 (custom sprites)
  • Super Justin Bros (sprite and tile rips)
  • EGAPlumber (sprite and tile rips)
  • Spriters Resource (sprite and tile rips)
  • Cotton Candy 2C (providing additional palettes)

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